Before a person can begin to understand the importance of an Outlaw Motorcycle Club (OMCs), they must understand what that is. An Outlaw Motorcycle Club is a very unique societyof very few men who choose to be a part of something bigger than themselves and a brotherhood beyond any that cannot be found elsewhere. Its origin and structure evolved from the Military many years ago, utilizing the leadership structure and rank system. Furthermore, there is a very unique few who make up the 1% er Outlaw Motorcycle Club community. Clubs such as the Bandidos, Hells Angels, Outlaws, Pagans, Mongols, and Sons of Silence are all a part of the 1%er Motorcycle Club community. The 1 % er designation was labeled by the AMA (American Motorcycle Association) back in 1947 in a statement they wrote for their magazine, stating that 99% of motorcycle riders were law abiding citizens and that only 1% were criminals (“AMA 1947”).

          The earliest form of Outlaw was Jesus Christ himself, it’s because Jesus didn’t fit into           the religious mold, or the government mold like the other 99% of society. Jesus and               his followers were the 1% that didn’t “bow down” to the worlds ways. They were in               the world, but not of the world.  Jesus was an outlaw, but he was not a criminal.                       Being an “outlaw” doesn’t mean you are a criminal; it just means you don’t conform             to the world system or its leaders and its officers. (Ridenour)

Many people will disagree with the importance of Outlaw Motorcycle Clubs. This is largely due to the lack of understanding and positive exposure to what these clubs do for our communities and some will dispute the negative claims while maintaining the integrity of their beliefs of the OMCs.

        Outlaw Motorcycle Clubs date as far back as post World War II era when soldiers came home longing for continued brotherhood. They have always played a major role in urban cities social culture. Their existence, although grotesque to some, has always served their communities in a positive light. The actions of individuals at times are spotlighted by the media, which often is government driven, to gain support for banning identifying patches (also known as colors) of the OMCs. For example, the U.S.’s ATF agency tried to ban the Mongols Motorcycle Club’s patches in 2013. However, it would have broken the First Amendment rights of the club (Girardot).  The Government wanted to ban the club from being able to wear their patches publically, due to a few incidents of select individuals who are most likely not in the club anymore, since Clubs often police their own. OMCs all follow strict guidelines or bylaws which consist of their rules and regulations. If a member disobeys these rules, they can be punished by being stripped of their patches then banned from the club. It is possible the Government is afraid of these clubs around the U.S., because of their open display of unity and commitment. They are men willing to stand their ground, even against the court system, to fight for rights, as a whole. These men are veterans, fathers, husbands, brothers, sons, and uncles. The rights they fight to protect are the same rights that affect non club members, other motorcycle riders, as well as, the general public.

      There are many positive examples of these OMCs, that many only see in a negative light.One such positive example was the Hells Angels Toy run of 2015, where the club gathered funds that had been raised throughout the year to purchase a large number of bicycles (“Hells Angels Toys 2015”). They waited in line at Walmart for 5 days to catch the Black Friday sale and bought every bike in stock, roughly 200 bikes, in order to give bicycles to children whose families were too poor to purchase them themselves. Acts like this one can be seen throughout the United States by clubs of all levels. Clubs range from Christian Clubs, Veteran Clubs, Support Clubs, and OMC’s. All of which contain some of the biggest-hearted men and women one could ever meet. These are the types of people who manage fundraisers for burn victims, families who have lost their homes, children with special needs, and even the elderly.

        Make no mistake, these Clubs are not the Boy Scouts; they abide by a strict code and rules of the road protocol (Devereaux). At times incidents can occur by the acts of individuals that belong to these organizations. These incidents are often made to be more serious than they really are, and some are no worse than the crimes committed by the arresting authority or an average civilian. On May 17th of 2015 in Waco, Texas, men and woman from all clubs throughout the state of Texas gathered for a Coalition of Clubs meeting, which is to educate riders both independent and Patch holders within clubs of current laws and policies that may or may not affect them. It is also a social gathering amongst riders, and information is commonly shared about upcoming events and benefits. On this day, shots rang out, leaving nine people dead and another eighteen wounded. According to Brian Doherty, who writes for GQ, a grand total of 177 individuals were wrongfully arrested. To this day, it has yet to be proven that the gunfight that broke out started with shots fired from club members, and no police officer has been charged with illegitimate arrest or excessive force. Reports indicate that the first couple of shots were small arms fire, and the rest that followed were all automatic weapons, but no one has been able to identify the first shooter (Doherty). Everyone present that day was arrested, including both civilians and members of Motorcycle Ministries, all of which are innocent and spent a great deal of time in jail with extremely high bails. An interview was conducted by KXANS Brian Collister with Bandido Jimmy Graves, who is the Coalition of Clubs President in Waco, where he expressed the Bandidos recognize and respect law enforcement for doing their job, that they do not condone the violence portrayed upon them (“Bandidos”).  “To get the story crooked is to understand that the “straightness” of any story is a rhetorical invention: a story told from a particular perspective, informed by specific trainings told for a particular reason, to serve particular purposes. History is at best a reasoned report on the documented sources of the past” (Kellner 18).

        Members of Outlaw Motorcycle Clubs are professionals; they may not look like professionals by some individuals’ standards, because they are bikers. Despite the positive actions of club members, the media still portrays them in a negative light by focusing on the bad behavior of a few; for this reason alone, bad behavior and negative publicity is not condoned by clubs or members. The 1%er clubs often police the activities of the clubs within their area to ensure they are “behaving” accordingly and following protocol within the community of clubs. If they do not do this, then there is the possibility of individuals creating negative chaos in the area in which they reside, causing the local law enforcement to crack down on all bikers and provoke unlawful use of force. In turn, the 1%er Outlaw Motorcycle Clubs are protecting the local community in which they reside by protecting all bikers and keeping the negative activities to a minimum. If more individuals would spend time amongst these men, they would see, with their own eyes, the good they do for the community, and all of the charity events along with donations raised to help people in need. They would also see the love and the brotherhood shared by the members of these Clubs as well as the bonds from club to club. These men are the kind of men filled with passion to fight to make things like brotherhood and sisterhood possible by protecting an individual’s rights and protecting people in need, helping friends and strangers alike, standing tall for freedom, love, loyalty, respect, and trust. In which they believe, in a very powerful and sometimes intimidating force. Similar to a battalion of soldiers on the battlefield who have gone to fight and protect what they believe to be right. While protecting these rights, they provide a blanket of freedom for others to sleep under. A positive impression from an experience in this community could help to spread a positive influence throughout our society. This influence would encourage society to stand together to help others in need, even those who are members of Outlaw Motorcycle Clubs.  

77 thoughts on “Outlaw Motorcycle Clubs

  1. excellent article… btw, Jimmy Graves is out of Austin, not Waco. He was associated with the Austin COC&I but recently stepped down.


    1. Stop blowing sunshine up peoples ass. Do not piss on our heads and say its raining. ! percent clubs/gangs live on fear they run their territories on fear. They use suck up clubs to do their bidding. They do not enhance communities. They hurt local business. They treat “citizens” like shit, unless they are good looking women or they need something from them. What do I know? I know what I have seen!. 24 years worth of bullshit. I have ridden Harleys my whole life camped among them, been in bars and drank around them. I have witnessed brutality, lack of respect and general shit attitude. I have been among them on purpose and mostly by accident, through out this country and Canada They may love each other, they don’t love everyone else. They get over on other clubs regularly. They have rules for their clubs that they don’t enforce when they are out in public. They take much more than the give, the “look at me I gave Bicycle or toy” is bull shit . They don’t give that the biker community shows up and gives that. Bad Boys my ass, sad boys.


      1. Sorry you have had such bad experiences with Outlaws and are among those that judge the whole by the actions of a few. For someone that has ridden their whole life you would think they would have a broader outlook and more of a open mind than they do. Kind of a shame really, sad boy.


      2. Hey asshole why don’t you just give the clubs a chance, obliviously you are a victim of your own problem. All I can say is your the guy that decides to be a big tough guy and play with all mc clubs and then you get your ass handed to you! Am I correct? Probably! You speak no true nature of any mc club and relate them to a gang . Well I can say these men are some of the same men that let you live your asshole bullshit life that gave a shit for our country and sacrificed there own life so you can have you own dumbass opinion on 1% clubs! Let’s not forget these guys that treat you like crapt that you displayed on your opinion probably look at you as an instigator. Someone that does not take the time to listen or give a shit about your own world and what goes on in it. Your quick to judge but ” loser” you don’t know jack shit about any club till you experience the real true meaning of being a member. If you haven’t given it a try and except or even ride a bike! I would strongly advise you find a friend that may still almost like you just that little bit and talk to him like a true American citizen and ask questions instead of being the asshole that runs his mouth and assumes!!!! There’s to many of these people! Open up because at the end of the day these members will stand up for what they believe in and will stand up for not only there brothers but a community or friend that needs the help. If you don’t think so then spend the time getting to know them! Change yourselves into being considerate instead of being judge mental and you my friend will be righteous enough to carry a family behind you! Not only a brotherhood or sisterhood but the understanding of self respect and values that should of been instilled in this country that we call the United States! Home of the brave land of the free!! Well with asshole comments like you just said deutch bag, you are the reason this country has so many issues you can’t accept, you can’t change ? Well look around you because the world is going to change and weather you learn to accept or try to assume you my friend at the end of the day will sit back and think wow I should of giving alil more respect when needed! Because you do t know them or any club from shit! You don’t know what they’ve been through in there lives or families! So just word for knowledge!! Don’t be so quick to pull the trigger to judge because at the end of the day what you experienced is just the result of someone that didn’t know themselves!! Here’s a thought read a book talk to people, learn yourselve and stop being a critic in crapt you don’t know shit about!!!!!


      3. I am a veteran and a biker also. I have ridden before I could walk! Some bikers are not good, true but not all bikers are not bad. Ever been in or at a place and a fight breaks out? I bikers are there they are blamed. If no bikers??? Bikers actually do much good, many know first aid and have used that knowledge for good and saved lives. Times were that the presents of bikers have kept things under control…just because.
        Roughly a year ago Muslims had a permit for a million Muslim gathering in Washington DC. Word went thru ought the biker community to rally together and even without a permit, bikers started to arrive. As the word spread, less than two dozen Muslims showed.
        The Wesrborrow Baptist Church (a cult against nearly all but themselves) have taken it on themselves to heckle funerals of military and others but have been controlled by bikers. Patriot Guard Riders with other bikers have formed flag lines around boundaries and blocked vision of the hecklers and when their insults became loud they were drowned out by loud bike exhausts.


      4. Sounds like a 1%’er nailed a few of your girlfriends over the years. If you’re not a 1 %’er, don’t be all butt hurt because your girlfriend’s other boyfriend is. See, they want real men, not whining bitches like you.


      5. You are an idiot, to be generalizing all 1% club members the way you do. Sure there are some bad behaviors from time to time, but I personally know of shit tons of good men doing good work in their communities and bringing LOTS of money to charities and businesses in their communities alike. If you ain’t one of us, don’t speak for us.


      6. You my friend… Are full of Shit…. You have no idea what you are talking about… Go watch CNN and SOA and get a little more of your fantasy education…


      7. Maybe next time pick on someone you can handle…you sound like a little girl whining because the boy on the playground pulled your pigtail.


      8. We’ll maybe you should keep your mouth zippers up, or are you just mad or jealous you couldn’t be one


      9. Hey jagoff why don’t get your facts right about clubs before you shoot your mouth like the mindless, brainwashed drone that you are. There is a 1%er club that isn’t far from where I live here in Canada and I frequent there alot. I have never once felt threatened by any of the members or thought my life was in danger. I also helped a good friend of mine who needed aid for christmas for her and her girls and the club helped her and another family.. They also donated 20 turkeys to the local food bank for Christmas also. Recently a close friend to members of the club lost his battle with cancer. They club along with other friends of the club set up a huge charity event in his honor that would help this guys wife and children. Many businesses donated their time to help out and also donated prizes for the silent auction they had. I love the club here and I love supporting them. They are some of the nicest group of people I’ve ever met. I respect them all in every sense of the word. They respect me and respect goes more ways than you could ever possibly imagine. It’s not a word to some idiot like yourself, it’s a way of life. Trust, loyalty and respect. You should try that sometime. You’d get alot further in life instead of pointing the finger and something you know nothing about.. I also had the honor and pleasure to meet a member of the Angels in my city to get some support gear, again one of the nicest guys I’ve ever met. I respect him and everybody else of the Angels, why? Why wouldn’t I? I respect them and believe in them because they have given me something to believe in truthfully and honestly. I’m not brainwashed by any of them being a supporter. I think for myself as they all do. I have devouted my 100% commitment and loyalty to the BMC here in my city. If you are not familiar with them then that’s what google is for.


      10. …. wow…. I’ve witnessed 1%ers first hand involved in many charity rides, fundraisers etc for their own and for others outside of club!!! My ole man is a 1%er and is the best man I’ve ever known… you are very small minded about this world…. the world is full of good people and bad…. patch or not…. and as far as what you’ve seen as you put it…. camping,drinking and riding with doesn’t match living the life with them… I’ve been through a lot in my life and I’ve never ever been disrespected,or taken from or brutalized by anyone with a patch…ever! My man and his brothers are my family and I’ve never felt more loved and respected in my life…. and safe … I feel lucky and blessed to be part of this world!


      11. U have no clue what love,loyalty,and brotherhood is about. It’s about living and being able to these things for themselves and others and fight and defend our freedom! The best fundraiser I was ever at was thrown by the Vietnam Vets. We were blessed to have the moving Vietnam wall that year. Over 30,000 people were able to go to the Twister. In Hatley Wisconsin an visit the wall. U sound like a want a be biker that was denied because u are closed minded and ignorant about the real world of bikers!


  2. Outstanding. Finally someone has put into words why we (bikers) ride with clubs. It’s not a “gang” as everyone likes to call it, but a club, a brotherhood, a family.


  3. True myself for years wanted to join a club but due to the talk and media I waited and waited but joined a local club and now kicking my own ass for not doing it a lot sooner


  4. I live in a county with 2 outlaw motorcycle chapters… none of these morons have a job and for you to compare Jesus to a 1%er that is one of the stupidest things I have ever read..I am now 30% dumber for having read this blog. The Navy should have schooled you better then this… SO3USN


    1. Sorry your experience has been a negative one with Outlaw MC’s if you even know the difference in which ones are which. My reference to Jesus is a citation if you didn’t notice meaning it is not my words but taken from another source. None of this has anything to do with any training or learning I have done in the Navy, we all unfortunately are not able to be as lucky as you are to know everything.


    2. Ever consider the fact that mabey the ones without jobs are disabled veterans who can’t work due to there disability? Think before you run your head. Or atleast educate your ignorance before you say something you have no understanding of.


    3. I’m not a 1%er nor am I close friends with any. But I have worked with one and met a few others and I’m pretty sure they all worked for a living.


    4. You sir are another among the uneducated masses who believe any and everything the Media and Government spew in order to maintain control of the sheep. Jesus was in fact an Outlaw. He did in fact go hard against Government, Accepted Religion, and the Accepted Societal Norm. I happen to be one of those 1% guys. I am a Retired Veteran of 22 years service in the U.S. Army. I have never been incarcerated and as you may see by this correspondence that I am also quite well educated. It is the stereo typical view of Society due to a lack of knowledge that leads to the pu bloc having a negative preception of those in the Biker Community. So next time you have a taught, maybe try to gain more knowledge before opening your mouth. How do you know in fa t that none of those Brothers have jobs ? Or retirement, or maybe they are a disabled Vet living on their V.A. Compensation or Military Retired. How about you a actually step outside your comfort zone and speak to them. Find who they are and what they are about.


      1. Its funny how Jesus was an outlaw standing up against the gov of the time and than demanding that everyone else follow his strain of government. I fully endorse the idea of freedom in every way, I just found that not to be a great comparison. I am not for or against outlaw motorcycle clubs. In my world they simply exist.


      2. Spot On… I’ll just say, I know many a 1%er and yeah, they have jobs, are retired military, disabled military, etc. . That is one of the biggest draws.. the brotherhood so missing in the civilian world. OooRah


      3. Some of the best people ice meet are bikers and some of the worst. I think that’s true in all walks of life.


    5. So you know all the members personally, as to be able to speak of their employment? Stop and think about the Jesus statement and his life. He broke the laws of the goverment of the time to protect his people.

      Hettal SOMC USN RET


    6. Reading comprehension. Maybe you can learn it from some of those outlaws with no jobs. Literally one of the dumbest comments or replies I’ve ever seen. Learn something before running your big jibbs.


  5. I’d love to read some of the sources you quote, particularly the Kellner. Good article, by the way. Never mind the criticism. Some people will never understand the bond of shared experience.


    1. The government is not afraid of 1%ers. They are obsessed. Stop and think about it, I don’t care what activity you participate in today it is controlled by law enforcement or a government agency, everything. With the exclusive exception of the 1%ers. How much money has the government squandered on their under cover operations with absolute minimal to minor drug and weapons arrests. The government is obsessed with controlling outlaw motorcycle clubs they will continue with their pursuit of the 1%ers. If you would like to know how far the government will go to control these clubs ask people like Randy Weaver and David Kore.she’s. I’m with sonny barger give the club’s the money they are wasting on these operations and they’ll be good.


  6. Very well written.I am the pres.Of a clean and sober club.There are 2 clubs in my area that are 1%.We all get along and have all been on the same benefit ride on the same hiway.I hate stereotyping.


  7. Im in a Hells Angel support club and have been for 10yrs, and i love it. They have always pushed us towards working and being productive members of sociaty. They own businesses or work like anybody else, ive owned a small trucking company for 10yrs, but due to alberta’s economy just had to sell out. Im now working for a Hells Angel that is partners a successful loam company in calgary. Everyone in my club of 34 guys is employed or owns business’s, not one makes a living off of outlaw activity. We have done many many fund raisers over the yrs, mainly focusing on vets like food banks, the legion, and just bringing recognition out for them. We are also very close with two veteran mc clubs and support them any way we can. And there is no better experience then having the brotherhood we share, to know i have that many bro’s that would be there for me any time in any way i’d need them. Its tighter then any family and shows more respect then any civilian can understand. Nothing like getting more respect and acceptance from the toughest men on the planet then what u get from the average asshole that thinks they’re something special. We have always respected the public and looked out for people in need, we’ve had elderly people come up and show appreciation cuz they knew they could walk safer with us around in a tougher nieghbourhood. Our motto is u dont shit in ur own back yard. If civilians had half as much respect for public and country as we have and what ive seen the Hells Angels have, this world would be a much better place and also why i love it. Its made me a better person as well, since ive joined the scene ive straightened up and quit drinking and dont abuse hard drugs anymore. U have to stay in control in this scene or u wont be wanted around long, again it comes down to respect for urself and ur bro’s, the general public, and ur country. Great article 👍🏻😎


  8. @oldschoolheartblog I blog at but you know me as Professor Allee. 🙂 Thanks for linking me to this post. I’m amazed at the feedback you’ve received. You’ve done a great job interacting wuth the commenters, positive and negative. Good luck and well wishes in all that you do, writing or otherwise.


  9. Mike who said, “Its funny how Jesus was an outlaw standing up against the gov of the time and than demanding that everyone else follow his strain of government”: You don’t know what you are talking about. You’re education on Jesus, similar to other ignorant comments here, is not based on your own exploration of facts but rather regurgitations from the media. Jesus did not establish a “religion”, in fact he refused to pursue statu, power and position while he walked the earth. Most of his time was spent exposing the hypocrisy within the hearts of man and ultimately the corruption of institutions (both governmental and religious). There is a dichotomy that exists in us individually and collectively. We are by nature corrupt and at the same time have an internal longing for justice. Our founding fathers of this great nation, recognized that for a free republic to survive it would need checks and balances to prevent any necessary yet corrupt part of society to be unbridled. Outlaw MCs deny the absolute moral authority of laws and governments similar to Jesus exposing Caeser, temple profiteers, Pontius Pilate, the Sadducees and Pharisees et al. He peacefully threatened the authority and prevailing omnipotence of the establishment so they collaborated to crucify him. Every individual and institution is corrupt and corruptible to the degree that they are kept in check internally or externally. Outlaws can be beneficial to society and have the potential to be corrupt. The same is true for government, law enforcement, banks, churches, universities, and any other organization. Universally we have a sense that there is brokenness that longs for redemption. Jesus revealed that every individual and institution is at the same time both the problem and the solution. As a servant leader, He set the example of standing up against corrupted powers regardless of their imposed authority. Jesus was able to do this to his death and remained blameless. In our brokenness we pursue the same, sometimes in the wrong way, but with the right motivation.

    Was Jesus an Outlaw? Yes, Jesus was the perfect Outlaw. He stood up to the government, the authorities, the church, the sinners, and the self proclaimed saints. He stood up to them and ultimately laid down his life for his brothers and sisters, who ironically were all the same people that crucified him. Jesus is an Outlaw to be both emulated and pursued.

    Liked by 1 person

  10. Truth is more than what you believe & since everyone has their own reality, some will feel it strongly affects them, while others who do not understand or want to believe, will dispute and even negatively demean an idea or an issue because of their respective ignorance. Anyone outside the Circle of Brotherhood cannot know what the connection between members feel, the joys and the celebration of Unity and Freedom. Thanks to all the Brotherhood in every part of the world 🌍 for giving hope and support to those who want it and need it.


  11. I believe in the freedom and I’m in law enforcement. I believe there is good and bad points on both sides. It took me awhile to see the hypocrisy. How an officer can get drunk, drive home, and the next night arrest citizens for DUI. However, I’ve worked fatalities that resulted from someone intoxicated with alcohol or drugs or both. My point is, there has to be a balance. ALL are accountable the same way except law enforcement should be MORE accountable due to their sworn oath. I would love to be in an MC and ride with brothers, but the MC should NOT allow narcotics to be involved. Many clubs are involved in Methamphetamine manufacture and distribution. How do you feel about this?
    In Arizona, a man pulls over and sets his 4yr old on fire because he thought he was the devil. … (METH).
    I completely understand being upset and worried about or corrupt government and taking from middle class to give to everyone else, but trafficking drugs kills that brotherhood. Guns? Well, I’m an advocate for 2nd amendment as long as the guns are not used against the good and stay out of hands of children. I have friends that are 1 %ers and would have their backs, but they know were I stand as well. We struggle to buy $150 worth of groceries and beside me is a women with two buggies. First buggy, free $300 worth of groceries, second buggy beer, wine, cigs, etc…. she doesn’t work, has 3 kids (no daddy ) and has better car than mine. Something wrong with this!
    Sorry for the rambling. ….
    Ride on. .

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I agree and I don’t condone the negative aspect that sometimes is affiliated with this life. However this life isn’t about that, sometimes that is individual choices that are made. Just as their are bad apples in law enforcement that partake in negative dealings. Anytime their is a group their is gonna be some bad apples. The clubs police their own and usually those bad apples eventually are weeded out.


  12. Ride in a 1% club if you want to, myself I prefer the freedom of riding my Street Glide where ever I WANT TO GO. Clubs tell you where to go & when or where to go. Ride on just leave me alone to ride my way


      1. You sir , speak from a position of ignorance. You know nothing of 1% ‘s or Jesus. Reading the garbage that todays society has put out there has misinformed you on much of your opinions and not being Holy Spirit filled has let you use your meager knowledge of the Bible to spew out the rest. And , even your stand that you think you so eloquently delivered , falters when one like “Vester” speaks simple truth. You step back and say “To each his own”. Typical stance of a bullshitter. Leave the issue alone. You really don’t know of which you speak.


  13. We might look different to the public ,leathers and boots but that’s protective. My experience riding for 40 plus years is bikers are great people we are first to raise money for anyone who needs help. I’m a biker bar customers are 1 percenters,independents and none bikers,guess what no fights no bouncers just good times.


  14. Good stuff, though ive never patch a 1% er ive been around it all my life, so ive seen pretty much whats going on, i wanted very much to be one at one time but being a single father time wasnt on my side, i had to be a father, not that they arent, but i was a only parent, and a secret drunk and addict. I hide it well, but before i could get involved Jesus the Outlaw got hold of me and changed my heart, but i still longed for that Brotherhood, i reached out to my local 1% club and they approved i start a Christian MC, what a awesome thing, to have the Brotherhood and ride hardcore for Jesus, and be available to our local 1% clubs, not to bash them but be there for them if ever in spiritual need, this is my two cents, God Bless

    Liked by 1 person

  15. Do you realy know how f–k up the gov. Is in the USA when they send in undercovered cops to start shit an then turn around an bust clubs. BECAUSE WE ARE NOT DOING BULL SHIT ,that is there way to keep the other 99% of people Against them. I know from first hand Experience how the ATF ,DEA,an all the alphabet group works. If your not doing anything they will Infiltrate the clubs and start s*** and then turn around and bust them because they have nothing else to do with our money You people need to open your eyes and see it.


    1. Sounds like the usual DEA MO. Infiltrate, set up the case, watch the action take place, and then arrest the actors.
      In the old days, it was “accessory before the fact” which is defined as: a person who incites or assists someone to commit a crime (or knowingly aids someone who has committed a crime).


    2. You’re right. I read books by the ATF agent and the CI that started the brawl in Laughlin. Those two clubs were content ignoring each other till the under covers instigated things


  16. I spent five years riding as a full patch with the Boosefighters MC. Being one of the oldest clubs in American history and sparking the “outlaw” MC movement, I’ve learned so much about the history of MCs and the awesome subculture we enjoy. I left the BFMC to pursue an opportunity to be in a 1% MC. Each as their ups and downs but I’ve also learned that 1% clubs are not for everyone. But with so many clubs choosing to start up without prospecting or consulting with their area “dominant” the amount of young uneducated clubs running around trying to “appear” outlaw and then doing actions that they feel will give them certain “street cred” is really getting out of control. All I can say is that very few members of true 1% clubs start problems. I would encourage any civilian to do some reading and less “Gangland” before making judgements about our lifestyle. But at the end of me day, if you feel that strongly against us, feel free to walk up to a “diamond” and tell him what scum you think he is. Please post pics after.

    Ching-a-Ling Nomads MC
    Bronx, NY


  17. I grew up thinking bad about 1% clubs but after leaving the marines, I was missing the brotherhood that I received in the corps, so I joined a totally neutral club of marines. We hang around with clubs from the 1%ers to the Christian clubs. The things I have seen totally changed my perspective about 1% clubs and MC’s in general. I have seen so much charity for those who are in need. These 1%ers give so much time and money to helping others, but all the media shows are the bad apples.

    A huge word in MCs is RESPECT. If you do hear about a fight or a shooting, 9 times out of 10 someone broke that word. If everyone had the respect that MC’s give each other this world would be a lot better place. That fight or shooting is usually that one bad apple that lost his temper, because I have seen 1%ers talk people out of fighting and settle their disputes in other ways.

    MC’s really do police themselves and have bylaws on how to act like a member of that MC and if those “rules” are broken there are punishments from a fine to being removed from the club totally and loose contact with all club members. Those that end up being removed from a club, the first word I hear from them is that they missed the brotherhood.

    So MC’s exists because of lost brotherhood for those leaving something like the military and respect. You give a 1%er respect then 99% of the time you will never have a problem with them or any other MC



  18. Always love reading these articles as I read the pros and cons seems like the pros are well-written and the cons contain a lot of four letter words and And ranting gentleman as you read through these pros and cons ask yourself who would you believe who am I just a guy that rides a bike A member of an of an MC have served 30 years in the military and a law-abiding citizen now with a lot of OMG’s
    Members going to jail you have to ask your self are they condoning this is there a tribunal being held for their illegal activities by there perspective club and how do you think that affects the public image public image is based off of both good and bad that the civilians see now is it always 100% accurate no it’s not but it is still there


  19. Brotherhood
    Bonds that are formed between men,soldiers,warriors,fathers,sons and Brothers. It is not something that is taken lightly nor is it just given to you. It is something that you will have to earn and once earned you will work even harder to keep it!!!
    So with that said…when someone attacks the 1%er or Outlaw mc like the “chump or House mouse you are” on a public forum instead of in person at one of the events or bars youve been at thru yours 24yrs of riding just proves your a coward. So go back to your little hole you crawled out of. Sounds to me that your one of those that were envy or jealous or maybe even had opportunities to become part of something bigger than yourself but couldnt cut the mustard. But hey…th is just one mans oppinion!!!


  20. I am a biker and a business owner. I am not a patchholder, but ride with many and consider some of them to be as close as brothers. Any negative generalization of bikers is somewhat akin to someone saying

    “A redhead stole my car. ALL REDHEADS ARE THIEVES!”

    Jesus was the ultimate outlaw, and he taught us to love one another.

    It’s worth a try, don’t you think?


  21. Funny how bikers get such a bad rap and the police are gods.YEARS AGO i HAD FAMILY WHO LIVED IN THE BAD PART OF Hamilton and police did nothing to clean up the area then the Hell Angles opens up a club house there.With in weeks the drug whore and crackheads were gone Nice place to live again.. Soon after the cops started there harassment on the club house..After Angles moved out the crack heads were back.. Police said they did not have the man power to follow up on


    1. Yes I am certain the HA provided drug rehab for the cracks heads got then some good housing and maybe even through em some cash . We all know what they did they simply drove them out of that community to another then likely supplied the crack to em . Outlaws are just that attempt to glorify anyway you want but personally as a biker for 35 years I see nothing positive about the outlaw aspect of it. Talking about all the wonderful things they do in the community is like putting lipstick on a pig


  22. The older I get, the more I ride alone.
    I am a blessed man to have a “few” good brothers. Some have served their Country, some have served time. Some are disabled, some are strong. Most are 1% ers , but none of them are waxers.
    Most people will never get it.
    Godspeed! Woody


  23. In the ama article it actually states that 1% ers are 7 days a week 24/7 motorcycle riders ,5%ers are the ones that stand up for rights of bikers ,the 94% of riders that ride low miles .1%ers was a label put on bikers by police on the 60’s. The 5 %ers are coc,abate and such.


  24. Seems I read the original am a article and it stated that.1%ers are hard core bikers 24/7 ,rain or shine .the 1% outlaw was stamped on in the 60’s by police.4%ers are members of community that fight for bikers rights and against legislation that takes away our rights. 95% of bikers conform to whatever and rides sometimes or on weekends don’t put alot of miles on there bike.but the 1%er omc got started by police. Correct me if I’m wrong


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